Hello Everyone,
As many of you know Dry Heat Photography works with the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary. We photograph the wolves and donate a percentage of our sales of the images back to the Sanctuary. As with most wildlife sanctuaries, Wild Spirit is a non profit organization and is run primarily by volunteers. All funds that come in are allocated to caring for the animals before any people get paid - even the real employees and the director don't see a dime unless the wolves are fed and cared for first. All funding comes from donations. With the soaring cost of gas and supplies coupled with a decrease in tourism the sanctuary is in dire need of funds right now.
There are many ways in which you can help. The first and best way is to visit the sanctuary, see these amazing wolves for yourself and make a donation while you are there. The second way is to visit their website and either sponsor a wolf, sponsor a parcel of land, buy merchandise, or just make a direct donation online. The 3rd way is to purchase wolf prints from Dry Heat Photography. We donate 20% of our wolf print sales back to the sanctuary.
To learn more about the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary or to acquire driving directions please visit their website.
For more information about ordering wolf prints from Dry Heat Photography please email info@dryheatphotography.com .

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