Because it's a dry heat!
After the ceremony, Tera, J.M. and I went out on the mesa behind the church for some photos. It had to be over 100 degrees out there and no little to no shade. At one point J.M. thought his shoes were going to melt to the sand stone. These guys were great sports to go out in that kind of heat for these shots.

The wedding was in Rehoboth, NM, (that's just a few miles outside of Gallup). The town now serves as a local Christian community. The bride and groom grew up here, they actually grew up two houses away from one another.

This shot, overlooking Rehoboth, is from the cemetery behind the new church. You can see the dirt road leading back into town. We needed a little bit of 4x4 action to get out here.

Hiking in the middle of the desert never looked so good.

This shot of Tera and M.J. is in front of the old Rehoboth church. The ceremony was held in the new church, which is considerably larger.
Thanks a lot you guys, the wedding was a blast! I can't wait to take DeAnna there to check out that cemetery. We are always looking for new interesting spots along old Rt.66.
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